Trainee’s Kit


Provides support for sprains and strains. It can also be used to hold dressings in place. This bandage is suitable for large ankles, large elbows and small arms.
- A triangular piece for general bandaging or use as an arm sling.
Are used to disinfect areas of the body.
Wearing a surgical mask is one of the ways to prevent you from spreading germs to others when you are not feeling well. A properly worn mask prevents the droplets from being passed into the air when you cough or sneeze.
- A CPR mask is used during cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures, which are used in emergency situations to supply oxygen and produce blood flow in the heart and lungs. The mask is used to ensure that infectious diseases, germs, blood, and other bodily fluids are not transferred from the resuscitator to the patient, or vice versa.
A box, bag or pack that holds supplies used to treat minor injuries including cuts, scrapes, burns, bruises, and sprains.