This course is designed to cater to a diverse range of individuals. It is especially beneficial for early childhood educators, providing them with essential skills to respond effectively to child and infant first aid situations. Moreover, individuals with a strong interest in becoming Child First Aid Instructors will find this course invaluable, as it is often a prerequisite for teaching Child First Aid. Additionally, those who are passionate about advancing their knowledge and expertise in child and infant first aid will benefit greatly from this program, making it an inclusive choice for anyone committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of children in various caregiving and instructional roles.

- Early Childhood Educator
- An individual interested to become Child First Aid Instructor
- The Child First Aid Certification is one of the requirements for individuals to teach Child First Aid
- Individuals keen on learning advanced child and infant first aid skills and knowledge

Approved by: Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council (SRFAC)
We are a ISO29993 Certified LSP Training Provider
and Recognised by the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA)
Participants who complete this course will receive the following :
Child First Aid, Standard First Aid, and BCLS+AED certification upon completion of the course.
The certificate is valid for 2 years.
To enroll for the course, you may call us at 6562555373 or Whatsapp us at 6583898731.
You may register your interest by clicking on this link – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf4VPKiBpb28jJwGcde_Qn9u_AttF_7sT6BdS-McEEcPA7uGA/viewform
Online E-Learning (7 Hours) +1 Day On-site Classroom Practical and Assessment (13 Hours)
Child First Aid Course (CFA Blended Learning) equips participants with the practical and theoretical skills and knowledge to react during emergencies to Child and Infant casualties, perform CPR and relieve foreign body airway obstruction protocol while maintaining self-confidence, composure and assurance to others.
It’s a mandatory course for both Preschool and Childcare teachers.
At the end of the Child First Aid Full course the trainees will be able to:
- Recognize a medical emergencies situation involving child and infant
- Activate the appropriate emergency response system and follow the Emergency Action Principles
- Perform CPR on child and infant during an Emergency
- Perform the appropriate first aid treatment for Foreign Body Airway Obstruction on Child and Infant
- Identify the common medical illness of child and infant
The Child First Aid Refresher Course aims to refresh your skills and knowledge to render first aid to Child and Infant casualties and to perform CPR and relief of foreign-body airway obstruction effectively. This course is accredited by Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council (SRFAC) and approved by the Early Childhood and Development Agency(ECDA).
Kindly be informed that due to the changes in the syllabus, SRFAC has directed all Training Centers to cease the conduct of the Child First Aid Refresher Course. All participants need to take the Full course.
Training is held at :
Blk 808 French Road, Kitchener Complex #03-22 Singapore 200808
As part of the assessment requirements, participants must do 2 minutes of continuous chest compressions and this can be physically strenuous. Participants experiencing the following medical conditions are advised not to the participant.
1) Now or has ever had or been bothered with any medical illnesses like back trouble, knee/joint/spinal injuries, heart trouble, high blood pressure, fainting spells, other physical conditions, or other medical disabilities or serious illness
2) Is currently pregnant
If you proceed with the course, please seek your doctor’s advice for the green light to continue, and produce the doctor’s letter. If you opt-out of the CPR+AED assessment during the course, you will not pass the course and instead, receive a Certificate of Attendance.