To support and complement the SAFE framework, SFA has implemented a training framework.
The Food Safety Courses (FSC) are organised into four levels:
The Food Safety Courses (FSC) are a crucial component of Singapore Food Agency’s SAFE framework. These courses consist of four levels, providing The four levels of these courses provide progressively advanced training for food handlers and Food Hygiene Officers. Each level equips individuals with the knowledge and skills required to enhance food safety practices in the industry, ensuring compliance with safety standards.
Level 1
of the FSC covers basic food safety principles for food handlers. As these food handlers level up and take on greater responsibilities in the kitchen, they can upskill by taking up
Level 2
of the FSC, which will equip them with the know-how to conduct food safety checks for their specific work areas.
Level 3
of the FSC will equip Food Hygiene Officers (FHO) with the knowledge to implement food safety pre-requisite programmes and basic principles of HACCP and Food Safety Management System (FSMS). The FHO may then upskill to become an Advanced FHO through
Level 4
of the FSC, which will cover the implementation of FSMS and how to conduct broader food safety checks and internal audits.
The breadth and depth of the curriculum increase as attendees progress through the levels. Food handlers and food hygiene officers will be required to complete the relevant courses following the rollout of the SAFE framework.

WSQ Food Safety Course Level 1
Under the SAFE framework, all food handlers in non-retail food establishments will be required to attend and pass the WSQ Food Safety Course Level 1. Food handlers in existing non-retail food establishment can start attending the WSQ Food Safety Course Level 1 now in order to meet the requirements in January 2023.
There will be no change to the current training requirements for food handlers in retail food establishments. Information for food handlers and on WSQ Food Safety Course Level 1 and the list of training providers that have been approved by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) can be found on the SFA website at
WSQ Food Safety Course Level 2
WSQ Food Safety Course Level 2 is intended for upskilling of food handlers, who will receive additional training on conducting food safety checks at their specific work areas. The list of training providers for WSQ Food Safety Course Level 2 will be updated soon.
WSQ Food Safety Course Level 3
All Category A food establishments will be required to appoint a trained FHO who has attended and passed the WSQ Food Safety Course Level 3. FHOs (e.g. in retail food establishments) who have passed the WSQ Conduct Food and Beverage Hygiene Audit Course or have been previously trained under the FHO course conducted by Singapore Environment Institute (SEI) will continue to be recognised by SFA. Information on FHOs and Food Safety Course Level 3 can be found on the SFA website at
WSQ Food Safety Course Level 4
Category A establishments aspiring for the Gold award will be required to appoint a trained Advanced FHO who has attended and passed the WSQ Food Safety Course Level 4. Supervisory personnel who have passed the WSQ Apply Food Safety Management Systems for Food Service Establishments will continue to be recognised by SFA and can be appointed as an Advanced FHO. The list of training providers for WSQ Food Safety Course Level 4 can be found on the SFA website at
For the above WSQ courses, subsidies are available from SSG. Please approach the training providers for more information on course schedule, course fees and subsidies.
Launched by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), the Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) system is the national qualifications system for the food and beverage industry. SFA, together with SSG, have harmonised the training curriculum and assessment for retail and non-retail food businesses, in alignment with the refreshed SSG Skills Framework (SFw).