General Health

Aging & The Immune System

The Immune System

Your immune system helps protect your body from foreign or harmful substances.

Examples are bacteria, viruses, toxins, cancer cells, and blood or tissues from another person.

The immune system makes cells and antibodies that destroy these harmful substances.

Immune System & Aging
Immune System & Aging


Aging Changes and Their Effects On The Immune System

As you grow older, your immune system does not work as well.

You will learn:

  • To understand what to expect in Aging

  • To understand how the aging process will affect your teeth, heart, and sexuality.

  • To find out what kind of changes you can expect in your body as you continue aging

  • To discuss what you can do to promote good health at any age

BMI Presentation

What is a healthy weight?

BMI Presentation

As obesity is a serious threat to your health, it’s important to understand the right way to lose weight.

Here are some things you should know about why it’s important to maintain a healthy weight and how to manage your weight effectively.

To achieve a healthy weight, it is important to first understand the dangers of obesity. Obesity is a condition in which excess body fat accumulates and puts you at risk of a variety of health problems. This excess fat may reduce life expectancy and increase the risk of other health problems, so it is vital to maintain a healthy weight.


Your BMI

There are many ways to measure body fat. However, the simplest is by calculating your Body Mass Index (BMI).BMI Presentation

BMI measures the relationship between your weight and height to calculate the amount of body fat you have. The higher your BMI, the higher the amount of fat in your body. 

Care during an injury

An injury is a damage to your body. It is a general term that refers to harm caused by accidents, falls, hits, weapons, and more. These injuries range from minor to life-threatening. Injuries can happen at work or play, indoors or outdoors, driving a car, or walking across the street.

Wounds are injuries that break the skin or other body tissues. They include cuts, scrapes, scratches, and punctured skin. They often happen because of an accident, but surgery, sutures, and stitches also cause wounds. Minor wounds usually aren’t serious, but it is important to clean them. Serious and infected wounds may require first aid followed by a visit to your doctor. You should also seek attention if the wound is deep, you cannot close it yourself, you cannot stop the bleeding or get the dirt out, or it does not heal.

Other common types of injuries includeInjury

  • Animal Bites

  • Bruises Burns

  • Dislocations

  • Fractures (broken bones)

  • Sprains and strains


You will learn

Care during an injury

  • To manage cuts

  • To care for the wound

  • To manage minor burns

  • To manage major burns

  • To manage falls

  • To understand what precaution is necessary

  • To understand what are the symptoms to look out for

Diet & Nutrition

What is Diet?

The best way to define diet is that it is the food that a person habitually eats.

Whether a person makes good or bad choices, these things make up their diet. The overall goal is to get people to choose the healthiest options that will improve their well-being.

Examples of specific diets that exist today:

Diet & Nutrition
Diet & Nutrition
  • vegetarian
  • vegan
  • ketogenic
  • gluten-free
  • paleo
  • blood type diet
  • Mediterranean

What is Nutrition?

Good nutrition differs from the diet, for it refers to the quality of the food itself. Nutrition is food that our bodies need to consume daily for our bodies to function optimally. This includes complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and fiber. We need these foods in a balanced quantity and ideally, from the cleanest sources possible.

What You Will Learn:

Diet & Nutrition
Diet & Nutrition
  • Importance of Food for thought
  • Daily food plate guide
  • Comfort food
  • Food as fuel
  • Mood enhancing Foods
  • Feed your brain & Fight Disease
  • Understanding Antioxidants, Sugar & Salt.
Heart & Lungs Health

Your Heart Can Affect Your Breathing

The heart and lungs work together to make sure the body has the oxygen-rich blood it needs to function properly.

The right side of your heart receives oxygen-poor blood from your veins and pumps it to your lungs, where it picks up oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide. The left side of your heart receives oxygen-rich blood from your lungs and pumps it through your arteries to the rest of your body.

What You Will Learn:

Heart & Lungs Health

  • To have a better knowledge of the anatomy of Heart and Lungs
  • How we can protect our Heart and Lungs
Hygiene & Infection Control

Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene helps keep your immune system from being overwhelmed by germs. Skin is an important part of the immune system for it acts as a barrier between germs and your body. Skin is tough and generally impermeable to bacteria and viruses.

In health care and public health practice settings, infection control includes various measures that prevent and contain the spread of infectious diseases.

Hygiene & Infection Control
Hygiene & Infection Control

These measures include:

  • Hand Washing
  • Infection control standard, contact, droplet, and airborne precautions
  • Procedures for decontamination of persons and disinfection of equipment and the environment
  • Quarantine of contacts (if necessary)
  • Prophylaxis of exposed individuals
  • Control of the vectors of infection

What is  hyperglycemia?

Hyperglycemia (high blood glucose) means there is too much sugar in the blood because the body lacks enough insulin. Associated with diabetes, hyperglycemia can cause vomiting, excessive hunger and thirst, rapid heartbeat, vision problems, and other symptoms. Untreated hyperglycemia can lead to serious health problems.

What You Will Learn

  • Different types of Diabetes

  • Symptoms & Long term effects of Diabetes

  • Management & prevention of Diabetes


Medications & Vitamins

Importance of medications

Importance of Medication

Understanding the importance of medications.

Learn why non-compliance of medication occurs and ways to handle medication non-compliance.


What are Vitamins?


  • To learn and understand what are Vitamins
  • Share the different kinds of vitamins, Vitamin A to K
  • Types of Food that provides the nutrition
Oral Health & Body Odour

Oral Health and Hygiene Practices

Oral Health

Learn more about Oral Health and General Well Being.

The importance of Good Oral Hygiene and implications of Poor Oral Hygiene

The awareness of Good Practices of Oral Hygiene






Body Odour


Find out what causes Body Odour

Learn and recognize the implications of Body Odour

Learn about ways for prevention and treatment of Body Odour

Personal Care & Grooming

Importance of Personal Care & Grooming

Understand the need and importance of Personal Care and Grooming

Why Personal Care and Grooming is essential for Everyone irrespective of Who You Are

Personal Care

Smoking Cessation

Smoking Harms and Kills

smoking kills

  • Learn what is Smoking all about & the harmful facts about Smoking
  • Why One should QUIT Smoking
  • Learn more about the withdrawal symptoms & side effects
  • To share tips on smoking cessation and treatment plans in Singapore
  • Different ways and Approach to Quit Smoking
Weight Management

Understanding Weight Management & Metabolism

weight & Metabolism

  • Learn what is the Weight Loss Basics are.
  • The Benefits of a Healthy Weight
  • Learn about the Caution on Weight Loss Plan
  • Introducing what is Calories counting
  • Getting to Know Food Labels
  • Knowledge of Metabolism.